Arnold Ehret says:
"Nature teaches us that there is basically only on e disease, the on cause by overeating and eating the wrong foods. Therefore, this one disease or whatever the many different names man has given to it, can be cured by but one remedy, namely withholding from the body those very substances. In other words, do exactly the opposite of overeating: reduce your intake of foods, improve on your general diet and prepare for some fasting."
Fasting activates a process called Autophagy in the body, the disposal of old body cells and the formation of new ones.
On the one hand, it offers the opportunity for physical cleansing, but also invites you to look inwards, reflect and gain mental clarity.
- gives the body time to detoxify instead of digesting
- can rid the body of parasites
- strengthens the immune system
- cleanses the intestines
- boosts the metabolism
- helps with detoxification
- readjustment of the taste buds
- Intermittend fasting
- 24h fast
- Juice fasting
- Water fasting
- Dry fasting
(Please inform yourself before you start any type of fast - and if you take medication consult with a doctor).
Detoxification is a declaration of love to your body and your health!
During a fast you will find out if it is you that controls your thoughts or if your thoughts control you.
“I can no more do without fasting than I can do without my eyes. What eyes are to the outside world, fasting is to the inside.” - Gandhi