Lena Ebner Logo


ChainDon is one of the two main projects from my MMT Master studies at the University of Applied Sciences in Salzburg. With the same team from SolarAssets I build a donation platform with the focus on transparency and simplicity. By harnessing the power of Web3 technology and blockchain, we've created a seamless donation platform. With Web3, transparency is guaranteed.

Our donation platform empowers you to support projects, individuals, and institutions by securely contributing in cryptocurrency.
By contributing you can make a tangible impact while tracking the progress and exploring others who made donations towards a positive change. We want to shine a spotlight on cryptocurrency donations and help those in need.

The app is built with Next.js, Nest.js and currently supports Ethereum for donations. We have a extensive DevOps setup and manage our project via Jira/Confluence in an agile way.
The live version is fully ready and working with the Ethereum MainNet. During development we mainly used MetaMask as wallet, but also other wallets like Coinbase are supported.

My responsibilites were the backend development, the blockchain frontend integration and blockchain development with Solidity smart contracts. Furthermore, I took part in DevOps and general frontend development. Besides that, I was operating as Scrum Master encouraging effective communication in the team and continuous progress.

Project: ChainDon