Lena Ebner Logo


SolarAssets is one of the main 2 projects from my master studies at FH Salzburg.
As a team of 5 developers we build an investment platform for solar energy.

The concept in subtitle: You can (micro) invest in photovoltaic plants and get returns based on the shares and produced power of the PV modules. With this project we want to promote sustainability and environmental responsibility and create transparency during the investment process through the use of blockchain technology.

The app is built with Next.js, Nest.js and based on the Ethereum blockchain. Currently, it is running as demo with a self-deployed fork of the Ethereum chain. During development we mainly used MetaMask as wallet, but also other wallets like Coinbase should be working. We have a extensive DevOps setup and manage our project via Jira/Confluence in an agile manner.

I was mainly responsible for the backend development, but also implemented features in the frontend and on the blockchain side with Solidity.
Besides that, I operated as Scrum Master and encouraged effective team communication.

Project: SolarAssets